Outernet, a United States based independent startup has decided to do something big and unimaginable. Do you have any guesses? I am damm sure that there won't be any guesses related to Outernet's aim. This startup aims to provide something huge that almost everyone on earth can access. Outernet aims to provide free internet to everyone, not only in US but to everyone on this earth. In the announcement made by Outernet, it said that with the help of U.K. Space Agency, Outernet will be launching three new nanosatellites, approximately at the start of 2016. These nanosatellites will be manufactured by Clyd Space, a Scotland based company.
According to a survey, out of total world's population, almost half of the people don't have a good internet connection. It isn't a very old news that Outernet started providing its service to 1.3 billion people residing in North America, Middle East, Europe and Asia Pacific. Outernet distribute's internet similar to a radio broadcast. Outernet will be giving internet services in a similar way in which we receive radio signals. Tiny satellites (a bit bigger than the size of a shoebox ) called Cubesats would operate from Low Earth Orbit in UHF frequency which transmits the signals. These signals can be picked up with a much cheaper hardware.
Recently, another technology called "Lantern". Lantern is a distinct WiFi hotspot which has the ability to create WiFi signals by receiving satellite data. Founder and CEO of Outernet, Syed Karim told
According to a survey, out of total world's population, almost half of the people don't have a good internet connection. It isn't a very old news that Outernet started providing its service to 1.3 billion people residing in North America, Middle East, Europe and Asia Pacific. Outernet distribute's internet similar to a radio broadcast. Outernet will be giving internet services in a similar way in which we receive radio signals. Tiny satellites (a bit bigger than the size of a shoebox ) called Cubesats would operate from Low Earth Orbit in UHF frequency which transmits the signals. These signals can be picked up with a much cheaper hardware.
Recently, another technology called "Lantern". Lantern is a distinct WiFi hotspot which has the ability to create WiFi signals by receiving satellite data. Founder and CEO of Outernet, Syed Karim told
"We could send all of the Wikipedia. Essentially, anything that lives on your
computer is what we can transmit over Outernet. Everyone in the team believes
in the notion of universal access of information. I've been told by the people who
interacted closely with North Korean defectors and they said that there is internet
there and it is very limited. They have their own version of Wikipedia.
Now as these satellites will be in space, there shall not be any restrictions on broadcast. Outernet can be a big milestone, if which when crossed, can spread news and unbiased textbooks to all parts of the world.
What do you think, will Outernet be successful in providing free
internet to all or will it fail? Provide us with your
feedback in comments.
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